Bill was Born to Sing!
By Tim Mangan May 11, 2009
Bill was born to sing! Bill’s beautiful voice, a booming bass calling to each of us, bringing us together and urging us to sing with him. And sing he did from the choir at 3rd Presbyterian to the theater stage to spinning/run classes at the Y to every Saturday OD run and on every trail and mountain - he sang for joy all the while bringing us closer to him and connecting us.
One of my fondest adventures with Bill was a trip in 1998 to Ireland. Bill was coach of Leukemia Team in Training leading a group of western NY runners, including myself who were participating in the Dublin Marathon. My wife, Ann and I spent a wondrous week with Bill exploring every cathedral, castle, museum, rocky ledge and pub from early morning till the wee hours of the night. There was no such thing as putting your feet up before the big race with Bill. There was too much to explore, too much to absorb. Running the marathon proved to be the most relaxing part of the trip!
The day before the marathon, Ann and I found ourselves back at our hotel room, which we shared with Bill. Alone for a moment! The kids were back at home and Bill was off exploring the streets of Dublin. With adolescent glee we reveled in the prospect of….ahh, but Bill’s impeccable timing cut short our romantic interlude. Ann and I heard a knock at the door, Bill noisily fumbling for his room key. “Hey guys sorry to interrupt, I’ll just grab my book and head down to the lobby.” The twinkle in his eye revealed how much he enjoyed the humor of the moment. Bill’s penchant for running with a good story to enhance the dramatic effect surfaced 3 months later at the OD Awards party where he proclaimed Ann and I as winners of the Best Buns award! No one else knew about the story behind the award that Bill thankfully kept to himself, but as Ann and I accepted our award there was that twinkle in his eye again. Gotcha!
Life will never be the same without Bill, but I know that every Saturday morning at 6:35 I’ll still hear him sing out “Let’s talk about the route!!” Bill Hearne, an angel on earth, now an angel of heaven, but still with us in spirit singing his song. Dream, Live, Love. Bill, God bless you.
“You set my feet upon a rock
And made my footsteps firm.
Many will see, many will see and hear.
I will sing, sing a new song.
I will sing, sing a new song
I will sing, sing a new song.
I will sing, sing a new song
How long to sing this song? “
Excerpt from “40” by U2, adapted from Psalms:40
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