Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Photo: Top Photo - Bill preparing in the early morning for the 2006 Jay Peak Marathon. One has to wonder about folks requiring duct tape BEFORE a race, but Bill loved all the sick, silly details -

Next photo - Bill relaxing at a restaurant in Lake Placid. I had been working at a running clinic at the Olympic Training center and ran into Bill and crew cheering on the racers at IronMan 2006. Figuring that they still had a long day ahead, we stopped in a pub for some food and fellowship. I think this sort of captures the joy of being with friends and nature -

2006 Rochester Marathon. I was on bike patrol and snuck out to the east end of the course to say hello to the ODR water stop. Bill is always thrilled to see one of his crew. He always made you feel very important - even if you were running at the back of the pack. Hey, ESPECIALLY if you were running at the back of the pack!

- Cha Ron Sattler, ODR and Sluggoddess since 2002

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